Monday, February 28, 2011

The making of a mama...

So about this time (5:15ish Florida time) 7 years ago, I said to Kevin "Wow! That one was different!" in reference to the contraction I was having.  Such began the event that would change me as a person to the very core.  I went from being "Annette" to "Mama" from caring a whole lot about myself and not being much of a worrier-to feeling like a part of me was walking around outside of me and worrying way too much.  So here is how it went down :)

It took several months to get pregnant with Seamus (which in hindsight was nothing, but felt like forever at the time) Kevin and I knew we wanted a big family, and we wanted to start young. So while on summer break from teaching (actually the day before a job interview!) We found out I was pregnant. We had already picked a birth center we were 90% sure we wanted to deliver at, and after meeting Marianne, the fantastic midwife, we were sure!  I didn't tell my principal until I was into my second trimester.  I taught 1st grade through the pregnancy.  My last day was a week before my due date, to give me a little time to get things ready.  After a week at home relaxing (well nesting...)

Came Saturday, February 28, 2004.  I woke up at about 2 pm (I know! I cannot even fathom doing that now!) and had a few signs that things were progressing.  We called Marianne to let her know, and she said to keep in touch.  At about 5:15, things changed a bit and I thought things might be getting real :) (as an aside, with all 4 pregnancies I have been worried I wouldn't know when I was in labor...when will learn??) I continued to putter around the house, making chocolate chip cookies, and spaghetti for dinner.  At about 7:00 Kevin and I sat down for dinner-well Kevin did, I tried to, but as I sat down my water broke.  It was just like in the movies! Kevin had to run and get towels, I had to change clothes, very dramatic!
I went to get my things put together to leave for the birth center, and by the time I was finished I was crawling around the house.  On the 20 minute drive to the birth center, I sat backwards in the car seat making all kinds of noise while Kevin called family and friends to let them know what was happening.  Everyone was exciting, because they all thought we would be having a leap day baby-what woman has her first baby in less the 5 hours, right??
When we got to the birth center at about 8:30 things began to happen pretty quickly.  I spent a good amount of time in the shower which helped with the contractions.  At about 10:00 pm, I said I was ready to push (by this point my parents, brother and his wife, and sister-in-law were Dad apparently had to walk around outside, he couldn't handle all the umm "vocalizing" I was doing!) Seamus McKoy was born at 10:42 PM, weighing in at 8 lbs 2 oz.  He let out one good cry and the began grunting (which he did for the first several weeks of his life-grunted all the time!)

And here I sit 7 years later, a Mom.  Through and through to the core.  Mom is something I know I was made to be.  I find so much joy in my children and husband, truly they are my world.  Seamus, my precious first born, the child who made me the person I am today.  I have so many things I could say about him..he is insanely bright, inquisitive, funny, compassionate, honest, gentle, agile, and truly just an amazing kid to know.  I feel so blessed that God chose me to parent this child.  Everyday I make mistakes, and everyday I learn something new.  Many days, I think he is teaching me more then I am teaching him.  To my first born, I love you more then you will ever know-well at least until you have kids of your own...then you will understand.


  1. Awww I love it Annette! Birth stories are so awesome, happy birthday Seamus!

  2. Great job of conveying such a wonderful day in your life. Birth stories are so moving to me. Bless you and your dear family!
