Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wrapped in the arms of my God

We had a close encounter with God today.  When Kevin went out to his car to leave for work he saw a curious envelope on his front seat.  The envelope was made of fancy parchment and sealed with a deep red wax seal.  Written in fancy script was Kevin and I's initials.  Inside was a piece of simple cream parchment paper sealed with the same red wax, with a seal of a cross imprinted in it.  The letter (written again in beautiful, old fashioned script) read:
Dearest Kevin and Annette:
Thank you for believing in me, for I believe in you.
I love you always,

Also inside the envelope was $427.  Strange amount, right? Well it happens to cover Kevin's plane ticket to Florida for his interview with District Committee on Ministries for the Florida conference.  (he is in the process of becoming an ordained United Methodist minister in the Florida conference)

We shared with a special group of friends that money was tight with Kevin's trips to Florida and saving to buy a new car for him also.  Things were not impossible, but tight enough to feel the squeeze.  1 week later the money appeared.  I do not know who was playing the hands and feet of God this time, but I am thankful for them.  Cappy says it was a real true miracle-and I agree.  Whether God stepped down to deliver that letter or someone heard his still small voice and heeded his call-it is no less a miracle in my book.  When the children of God are faithful and just, miracles occur.  Everyday, we can be wrapped in the arms of God.

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