Friday, March 4, 2011

The beginning of my 4th decade

Ok, so when I think of it THAT way it sounds crazy! But really overall,  I am happy to be turning 30.  I know it is a hard milestone for many,feeling like they are leaving their carefree ways behind and really beginning adulthood, but seriously I have FOUR kids-there are no carefree ways here! I have felt like a real grownup for quite a long time, and I am actually really excited to have my age match up with who I feel like I am.  I am quite frequently the youngest in a group, and used to feel looked down upon because of it.  Now, I feel like the people who know me look past my "youngness" and see me for who I am.  I am content in my life and where we are right now.  I am more confident then I have ever been.  My husband is incredible:he works hard at a job he doesn't like to support us and studies hard so he can have a job he loves. My children are as close to perfection as I can imagine. My job is a blessing.  My family loves me and is proud of who I am.  My friends are like family. I serve a God who is present and real in my daily life.  Truly, there is little I could ask for on this anniversary of my birth (I can always think of SOMETHING to ask for, lol)

So Happy Birthday to me!

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